What Golf Professionals are saying about AimPro™:

What Golf Pros are saying about AimPro™

"Once in a while I run across a product that makes lot of sense. I discovered AimPro at the PGA this year, so I bought enough to give to all our students that are coming through our Scoring Zone program. We have had success using it to get our students to do a better job seeing and aiming to the start line of their putts."
Todd Sones
Golf Digest - America’s 50 Greatest Teachers
Golf Magazine - Top 25 Golf Schools
Todd Sones - Impact Golf
Vernon Hills, IL
"I use AimPro in my golf school programs. The feedback from my students has been very positive and helpful for their putting. Anytime I can find a diamond in the rough like AimPro for my students, it makes my job all the more rewarding. My students can line up their putts and actually see the line much better with AimPro. It really works!"
Dana Rader
Golf Magazine - Top 25 Golf Schools
Dana Rader Golf School
Charlotte, NC
"Lining up the AimPro ball marker ahead of time, verifying it and committing to it not only speeds up play but also allows you to hole more putts."
Trent Wearner
Golf Digest - Top 20 Teachers in America Under 40 by
Trent Wearner Golf
Englewood, CO
"AimPro ball markers are the best! I've used a line on my ball for years now. With AimPro, I can line up my putts that much better. I am also using the AimPro Putt Training Aid with my students and each one has improved immediately! Now all my students will get an AimPro ball marker and training aid with their putting lesson."
Frank Hesson
PGA Director of Instruction,
Indian Spring Country Club
Marlton, NJ
"If you are a player that uses a line to line up your putts, AimPro is a MUST HAVE!"
Erik Billinger
2008 Colorado PGA Player of the Year
Golf Instructor, Craig Koy Golf at Highlands Ranch GC
Highlands Ranch, CO
"Over the years I've discovered that the best players are target aware and those who struggle are self aware. Golf is a target game, but often it is not taught or played that way. AimPro is a simple but effective tool to help players more accurately line up their putts. I use this device as both a training and a playing aid for my students. It even helps this old golfer make more putts. Give it a try!"
Dr. Bill Campbell
Mental Coach to the Pros, professional Golf Educator, & Renowned Sports Psychologist
Hard Wired for Golf
"I am a strong believer in pre-shot routine and the role it plays in successful execution of shots. The aiming of a golf ball down the intended line is the most significant advancement in putting I have seen. Aiming the ball sends a powerful message to the player that there is a definite shot plan/strategy as well as aiding in the proper alignment of the putter. The AimPro Ball Marker enhances and re-enforces the aiming of the ball and clearly indicates to the player the line he/she has chosen. I introduced it to our Junior Golf Development Program in 2009 and highly recommend it."
Andrew Tucker - PGA Director of Instruction, Lakewood Country Club
Lakewood, CO
"For me, the biggest benefit of the AimPro ball marker is that it not only improves putting alignment, but helps me as an instructor to create a good pre-shot routine with my students. I teach more juniors than any other instructor in Colorado, with students as young as five or six years old. The AimPro ball marker ensures they take time to develop the proper good habits, which in time, will enable them to become excellent putters.
"Terry Stearman - Golf Instructor, Family Sports Golf Club
Centennial, CO
"Thank You AimPro! All my students love AimPro! When I was first introduced to the AimPro Ball Marker I thought, 'Why didn't anyone think of this a long time ago?' As basic as drawing a line on my golf ball, my AimPro Ball Marker helps me line up my ball on the green with much more accuracy. Until you try AimPro you'll never realize how much your putting aim really is off-line. I teach golfers of all skill levels and it amazes me how everyone immediately sees and loves the benefits of their AimPro Ball Marker. Without a practice stroke, AimPro will cut strokes off your game."
Marcus BlakeProfessional Golf Instructor & Golf Writer, Birdieball Golf
Wheat Ridge, CO
What Golfers are saying about AimPro™
"I use to have 8 to 10 3-putts per round. With your great tool for lining up the ball I have cut my 3 putts to around 2 per round. I'm also hitting 1-putts occasionally!"
Tim Simms - Milton, GA
"Using AimPro has almost eliminated 3-putts from my vocabulary! I am saving 2-3 more putts per round outside of ten feet. That's 3 strokes by using this tool! I am also putting with a lot more confidence. I highly recommend AimPro to anyone looking to improve their game.
"Dan Raap - 9 Handicap - Highlands Ranch, CO
"AimPro helps me align my putts accurately every time. I've lowered my scores and increased my confidence on the putting green. Use AimPro and take the guessing out of your putting!"
Paul Tenorio - 4 Handicap - Parker, CO
"I'm a terrible putter and that's an understatement! Using AimPro has helped me drop 3 strokes per round off my game!"
Scott McVicker - 10 Handicap - Whitehouse, OH
"The AIMPro ball marker is wonderful. Finding my line was never really a problem for me, but keeping it after addressing the ball was a HUGE problem. I'd find that spot when I stood behind the ball, but when I moved and addressed the ball, I'd lose it. I found myself stepping back and taking another look all the time...and I never had confidence, which leads to lots of missed putts. The AimPro has eliminated that problem altogether. I find the spot, I align the marker, and I set the ball line on the marker line. Now, when I address the ball, I no longer wonder if I have the line because I know I do! I have so much confidence that I have the line now, all I need to do is concern myself with speed...there is nothing like it! My handicap dropped from a 17 to a 14 this summer and I owe a lot of it to AimPro. Putting is much more fun now!"
Cathy Happel - 14 Handicap - Toledo, OH
AimPro™ makes the perfect gift for Golf Tournaments:
"There is so much that goes into planning a successful fund raising golf tournament and finding the right gift for our golfers each year is always a challenge. I'm always looking for the latest and greatest custom logo gift that the players will appreciate. This year a friend of mine introduced me to a brand new product called AimPro. I took a chance and ordered AimPro's customized ball marker with our company logo and website for our annual charity golf tournament. Not only did AimPro deliver a quality product on time and at a great price, it was a huge hit with our sponsors! I am a new fan of AimPro and would highly recommend it to anyone who is planning a golf tournament."
Lisa Nasseth - Corporate Communications, tw telecom
"SPATIALinfo is always looking for unique and professional promotional items to give away at trade shows and company events. We decided to try branded AimPro golf ball markers for our annual Users' Conference golf networking event. They proved to be a huge success. Every time someone lined up a putt with the AimPro golf ball marker, our branding was prominently visible. P.J. delivered these ball markers on short notice and they were widely used and talked about at our golf tournament. We will be keeping AimPro golf ball markers and alignment aids in-stock for future events, tradeshows, sponsorships, and gifts."
Karinn Koback - Director of Communications, SPATIALinfo